CRAXY (크랙시), previously known as Wish Girls, is a South Korean five-member girl group formed by S.A ITAINMENT in late 2018. The group consists of Woo-Ah, KaRin, Hye Jin, SWAN and ChaeY. They debuted on March 3, 2020 with their full-length album "My Universe" and its title track "Aria".
2018-2019: Pre-debut[]
In December 2018, CRAXY participated in S.A ITAINMENT's seasons project under the name "Wish Girls". Their song "Wish For You" was released on YouTube on December 26, 2018[1] and on their Naver blog on December 29, 2018.[2] The song uses elements and lyrics from several popular Christmas songs, such as "We Wish You A Merry Christmas" and "Santa Claus is Coming to Town", and instrumentals reminiscent of the sound of the Korean rock group "Diablo".[2]
In 2019, the company announced that each member would get a pre-debut solo. The first solo, titled "ISSUE (이슈)", was released on May 17, 2019, and was performed by Woo-Ah.[3] "ISSUE" was followed up by "Boyfriend (보이프렌드)" by Hyejin (feat. Woo-Ah) on August 10, 2019.[4] On August 30, ChaeY's solo "SIXTEEN (16)" (feat. Woo-Ah and KaRin) was released[5] and on September 25, SWAN received her solo with "My Soul (내 노래가 들리나요)".[6] The solo releases were concluded on October 24, 2019 with KaRin's "Ka Ka Ka (카카카)" (feat. HyeJin).[7]
In continuation of S.A ITAINMENT's seasons project, the group released "Yours Is Mine" on July 12, 2019 in collaboration with Glenn Alinskie and Chelsea Olivia, two Indonesian actors.[8] The song and music video represent the season of summer. The song was released on streaming sites on August 21.[9]
On July 24, 2019, S.A ITAINMENT announced a "Yours Is Mine"-themed competition called "We The WishGirls" (WTW). The competition was split into two categories - dance and vocal cover. The price was listed as a trip to Korea, where the winner would shoot a music video and record a song and choreography.[10] A month later, on August 31, they announced the dance cover winners, a dance group called "I'GENERATION" from Indonesia.[11] On September 6, the vocal cover winners were announced as well: Diva from Russia, Gigi from Hong Kong, Aalyiyah from Beligum, Laras from Indonesia, and Yoeriche from Indonesia.[12] The final result was released under the title "We The WishGirls" on December 9, 2019.[13]
On December 13, 2019, the group posted a teaser for their upcoming winter project "WishXMas" on their YouTube channel. The teaser featured all the girls from the WTW project.[14] Five days later, on December 18, the finalized music video was published. A note was attached to the end stating: "Training is done... The first generation of WishGirls is preparing for the real world... for their dreams. PS: The second generation of WishGirls will be meeting you soon", announcing that the WishGirls would debut soon, although an exact date wasn't stated yet. It also hinted at a new girl group being in the works.[15]
On January 15, 2020, a member of the second generation of WishGirls, Park Si-hyun, announced that their debut would be in the first half of 2020.[16]
2020: Debut with My Universe[]
On January 10, 2020, S.A ITAINMENT revealed the new official group name, "CRAXY", through a teaser for their pre-debut single "My Universe" (나의우주).[17] Six days later, the official music video for "My Universe" was released [18] and became available on streaming sites exactly a month later.
On February 13, 2020, the group announced that they would debut on March 1 with their album My Universe, which would consist of ten tracks, including all of their pre-debut songs and the title track, "Aria".[19] A teaser for the title track was released on February 25.[20]
On March 1, however, the company stated that CRAXY's debut date would be pushed back to March 3 due to internal problems.[21]
The official music video for "Aria" was released on March 3, 2020.[22]
- Woo-Ah (우아)
- KaRin (카린)
- Hye Jin (혜진)
- SWAN (수안)
- ChaeY (채이)
- Yujin (유진; didn't debut with CRAXY)
- Hana (하나; didn't debut with CRAXY)
- CRAXY's fandom name is Cravity.
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